
Having spent 5 hours yesterday being a human WallE ( I volunteered at a recycle event) and 6 hours today helping out at a friend's Kuchipudi graduation event, I am tired. Also, this being my blog, I reserve the right to post what ever I want to. So, I shall now shamelessly post a blog that is more than a couple of years old. It's a blog I'd written way before I started publishing my blog (!?!!). Here it is. BTW (which stands for By The Way, all ye uncool people), I had named it Two Cauliflowers.

I have two cauliflowers in my fridge. I live alone. I have no roommates. Cauliflower is not my favorite vegetable. Yet, I have two cauliflowers in my fridge. This is a mystery and I must confess that it's mystifying to me too. What happened was this. I went to the grocery store day before yesterday and wanted to buy some squash ( Do not ask me why - when I was making the grocery list that morning, I decided that I'd buy squash. I have never cooked squash before and am not sure how it is to be done). Well, under the sign saying butternut squash or something like that, there was no squash. There was zucchini but no squash. This complicated things. Now I had to look for another vegetable. I eyed the cauliflowers that were in a section close by and thought " Hmm. I remember the last time I was here, I wanted to buy one but decided against it because it'll probably be too big and I'll have to make it multiple times over the week. But there seem to be a few small ones this time. Maybe I should get one". And I went and took a look and saw that there were, indeed, a couple of small ones and picked up one of these. So imagine my surprise when I opened the fridge to put the stuff that I'd bought and found this small little cauliflower smiling back at me through the glass crisper!! There it was, looking as if it had a perfect right to be there. I was amazed. So now I have two cauliflowers in my fridge.


you have talent my tell a nice story. :-)

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