
An alert reader reminded me that I hadn't used this word as the title (I'd said that I would and then forgot). Congratulations Alert Reader! You just won yourself a fully paid three day, two night vacation in Macchu Picchu .... NOT! :-)

Spent two blissful hours in the arboretum today. I ambled about the lawns and gardens, looked at trees and shrubs, vines and flower, took a few pictures, went hither and thither and napped for a short while under a tree. A perfect summer day activity. It was one of those blue-blue sky days with a slight breeze once in a while. I had forgotten how it is to walk from bright, hot sunlight into the shade of woods - dense and deep, cool and dark. It is truly amazing.

I had to drive about an hour to reach this place but I was glad I didn't live close to this park. Then, I'd feel compelled to run along the trails in the park. And then, I'd hate it. You see, I am not a natural runner, not a born runner. One can safely say that I am not to running what Michael Phelps is to swimming. I start running 'cause I feel like it and then I pretty much finish it 'cause I've already decided to run n miles. Sure, there's parts of it that I really enjoy and I will definitely let you know as soon as I figure out what they are :-)

I've also decided that I should go the David Letterman way and come with a list of Top x things once in a while. I like lists. So, today's list is the top 5 things I can possibly OD on.

Here it is. DRUMROLL ..... Top 5 things I could possibly OD on:

6. Bubble wrap
5. Rocky Road
4. Jalapeno chips
3. Brownies
2. Sunshine
1. Cereal!

And now for some sleep


Bhavipra said…
Well then I suppose all your faithful readers can pool in some of their supplies of bubble wrap to make it a merry christmas for you. Thats far away, so don't worry I will help you score some by Holloween.

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