pozhaluista, merci

** Wrote this blog a couple of days ago and am posting it only now.

I love flying out of international terminals - even when I am flying domestic, like right now. There's something very holidayey and fun abt being around international travel - everyone is excited and happy and sorta hassled. There's passports and languages and accents all over the place. Fun fun.

I haven't been blogging for the last few days, thanks to the move. Spent quite some time with friends over these days and last night, as I was unpacking in the new apartment, I came across a bunch of greeting cards, invitations and notes from my friends over the years. It was great to sit there and go through them. I decided that I need to write something for my friends. So here's an honest thank you to all my friends.

Thank you ,
to old friends and new.
in India, in the different states of America and everywhere else.
For moves and packings and unpackings.
For helping me buy things, from vacuum cleaners to cars.
For advice - useful and more importantly, fun.
For laughter - winks, smiles, chuckles, giggles and fall-off-the-chair guffaws.
For coffees, teas, breakfasts, lunches, dinners and dessert.
For suggestions on books and movies, songs and software.
For sharing your stories and listening to mine.
For rides, drop offs and pick ups.
from 6 o clock on Monday mornings to lazy holiday afternoons to really late Sunday nights.
For helping me and letting me help you.
For day trips and road trips and camping trips and more.
For gossip and secrets and news and good cheer.
For calling me at midnight to wish me on birthdays and new years.
For not calling me at midnight on birthdays and new years and letting me sleep in.
For complimenting me for a good job and a not-so-good job.
For rooting for me when I am winning and when I am trying.
For running, walking, jogging, singing, dancing and training with me.
For worrying for me when I am being brave or just too stupid or tired.
For letters and emails and surprise calls and thoughtful notes.
For silly texts and IMs and funny and not-so-funny forwards.
For endless teasing and schemes of embarassment.
For taking my critcism and being generous with my flaws.
For movie nights and game nights and just ordinary week nights.
For being deep or superficial, devious, emotional or goofy - in sync with my mood.
For birthday cards, wedding invites, baby news and all successes.
For reviews and whine sessions and vent fests.
For pushing me, inspiring me, but most of all, accepting me.
For reading what I write and writing what you write.
For jokes - good, bad, awkward and crazy.
For being a kid, or a grown up, or zany or sane.
For chatting, talking, listening, always listening.
For letting me rant and giving me perspective.
For good lucks, and thank yous, congrats' and take cares.
For hugs and hi-fives and quick stop-bys.
For being family, less than family, or more than family as required.
For coming on board this whacky ride I call my life.

Thank you - all of you. I hope you are having a great time, wherever you are . Happy holidays and wish you a wonderful year ahead filled with fun, frolic, love and laughter.



DivSu said…
Where did you move to? And what made you move? :D
I have a colleague here at work who prints a random, odd and little known word in big font across a paper every morning, and hangs it over his cubible for everyone to read. His idea is that everyone reads the word, looks it up and the general vocabulary in the room improves. (Like today he has the word Vituperation hung up) I think of you and your blog many times when I see his words! Do you do something similar at work?


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