Spent most of the day packing. When I finished for the evening, I wanted to be sitting in an easy chair and listening to desultory conversation between 4-5 people I know - without participating much other than "Hmmm"s and smiles and nods. Yes, I tend to have very specific moods. Anyways, due to the non-availability of such 4-5 people in my living room and anywhere within 5 miles radius, I switched on the TV. A plethora of Christmas spirited movies and shows were on - well, as much of a plethora as one can have in 14 channels. This bugged me. I mean, I am all for the Christmas spirit generally but this was way too sugary for me especially given the fact that I was not getting the desultory chat I ordered. So, I popped in "The Pursuit of Happyness" in my DVD player and settled down to watch. This was the perfect antidote to the slew of Christmassy shows/movies. It is an optimistic movie but it has a good solid amount of realism ( it helps, of course, that it is based on a real story) and that made the ending even more powerful. Of course, I bawled my eyes out at the ending but it's all good. Am glad I chose this course of action over sorting out my bills/docs. Makes my Sat'day evening much less pathetic :-)..... And so to bed.
I havent seen in the pursuit of happiness, so you like it huh? I am kind of not a big fan of will smith.