pozhaluista, merci
** Wrote this blog a couple of days ago and am posting it only now. I love flying out of international terminals - even when I am flying domestic, like right now. There's something very holidayey and fun abt being around international travel - everyone is excited and happy and sorta hassled. There's passports and languages and accents all over the place. Fun fun. I haven't been blogging for the last few days, thanks to the move. Spent quite some time with friends over these days and last night, as I was unpacking in the new apartment, I came across a bunch of greeting cards, invitations and notes from my friends over the years. It was great to sit there and go through them. I decided that I need to write something for my friends. So here's an honest thank you to all my friends. Thank you , to old friends and new. in India, in the different states of America and everywhere else. For moves and packings and unpackings. For helping me buy things, from vacuum cleaners to car...