Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase! )
What's the deal with red cabbage? I have always steered clear of vegetables that are not in their native( read Indian - pun unintended) colors but today was that kind of a day. I was driving back from work and suddenly decided that I should cook the cabbage and potato curry that my Mom makes. So, with said intentions, I arrived at the grocery store and found that the green cabbage looked rather healthy. I chose the smaller red cabbage instead, after a couple of minutes of thought. Later, as I washed the cut cabbage, I noticed, with semi horror-semi amusement, that all the water was colored a deep blue/violet shade. Drumsticks! It's like they dyed the poor cabbage and it was bleeding color now. I am not sure if I want to eat it anymore. I'll finish cooking the curry tomorrow morning and probably eat it ok but what am I supposed to do with the other 3/4 of the cabbage? Red cabbage juice - that's an idea. Something tells me that after this week, I won't be eating/drinking cabbage for a while.
Did you know that Barack Obama has a myspace page ?!! It says :
47 years old
CHICAGO, Illinois
United States
Last Login: 11/11/2008
Un-zuching-believable! Hilarious, isn't it? Maybe he has a facebook profile too - where he changes his status often. Can you imagine all the pokes he's getting? Hahaha.
The day ended on a high note. A called and we talked for a while abt important things. Like Barack Obama's possible email addresses (barack726@gmail.com, mailtobarack58@yahoo.com, bobams@hotmail.com and the top of the list hi2barack62@lycos.com) and how we both really liked the name Thimpu. I was laughing so hard. Thimpu. Thimpu - c'mon say it. Bless that sweet little country of Bhutan. And Godspeed to y'all.
Did you know that Barack Obama has a myspace page ?!! It says :
47 years old
CHICAGO, Illinois
United States
Last Login: 11/11/2008
Un-zuching-believable! Hilarious, isn't it? Maybe he has a facebook profile too - where he changes his status often. Can you imagine all the pokes he's getting? Hahaha.
The day ended on a high note. A called and we talked for a while abt important things. Like Barack Obama's possible email addresses (barack726@gmail.com, mailtobarack58@yahoo.com, bobams@hotmail.com and the top of the list hi2barack62@lycos.com) and how we both really liked the name Thimpu. I was laughing so hard. Thimpu. Thimpu - c'mon say it. Bless that sweet little country of Bhutan. And Godspeed to y'all.