Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase! )

What's the deal with red cabbage? I have always steered clear of vegetables that are not in their native( read Indian - pun unintended) colors but today was that kind of a day. I was driving back from work and suddenly decided that I should cook the cabbage and potato curry that my Mom makes. So, with said intentions, I arrived at the grocery store and found that the green cabbage looked rather healthy. I chose the smaller red cabbage instead, after a couple of minutes of thought. Later, as I washed the cut cabbage, I noticed, with semi horror-semi amusement, that all the water was colored a deep blue/violet shade. Drumsticks! It's like they dyed the poor cabbage and it was bleeding color now. I am not sure if I want to eat it anymore. I'll finish cooking the curry tomorrow morning and probably eat it ok but what am I supposed to do with the other 3/4 of the cabbage? Red cabbage juice - that's an idea. Something tells me that after this week, I won't be eating/drinking cabbage for a while.

Did you know that Barack Obama has a myspace page ?!! It says :

47 years old
CHICAGO, Illinois
United States

Last Login: 11/11/2008

Un-zuching-believable! Hilarious, isn't it? Maybe he has a facebook profile too - where he changes his status often. Can you imagine all the pokes he's getting? Hahaha.

The day ended on a high note. A called and we talked for a while abt important things. Like Barack Obama's possible email addresses (barack726@gmail.com, mailtobarack58@yahoo.com, bobams@hotmail.com and the top of the list hi2barack62@lycos.com) and how we both really liked the name Thimpu. I was laughing so hard. Thimpu. Thimpu - c'mon say it. Bless that sweet little country of Bhutan. And Godspeed to y'all.


SK said…
Cabbage is good for throwing at neighbors' houses. Red cabbage, in particular. In fact, there's a festival in Brentfordshire, Sussex, where people throw red cabbages at each other's cottages. While the origins of this tradition are unclear, some allude to the over-abundance of said vegetable a particular season, wherein, owing to it's obvious inedibility, the townsfolk decided to chuck it at each other's farms. This had the unfortunate result of an even larger crop of red cabbage from every farmer the following season, thus contributing to the perpetuation of the tradition.

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