
I'm chasing after you in the gathering dusk,
you're racing far ahead, fading into the sunset.
Can't catch up to you, can't hold on to you,
always looking back, wondering when I first lost you.

And this sand in the hour glass, it's rushing fast.
This river of continuum, it gushes past.
The clock unwinds,
the moon tugs the tides,
while I'm caught in between
what was and will be.

So I'm letting go, I'm tired of the chase
I'll find some peace in this moment's embrace.
Just take my hand in yours, let's run to the daybreak
and burst into this life, finally awake.



Murali said…
Pleasant, poetic and mysterious!
Anonymous said…
very nice. i like. how much?
Kashmora said…
@Murali - Gracias Senor! Glad you liked it.

@Anonymous - Wow. Are you telling me that I might have another source of income on my hands? :-)
sumi said…
Nice! Beautiful imagery.
Vroom said…
Sounds it...rythemic
Vroom said…
Surprisingly good.....really good :-)
Vroom said…
Surprisingly good...sounds really good..rhytmic
Kashmora said…
@sumi : Thank you! :-)
@Vroom : "Surprisingly" ? Typical response :-)

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