zuzu's petals

I finally got done with a deadline at work. This had been eating up a lot of my time lately and I am relieved to get it off my back. Considering that I have been a little short on sleep lately - thanks to this and other reasons - and pulled in a nice six miler after work this evening, I should have been asleep a while ago. Or at least, happily curled up with Card's Ender. Instead, I am still up and blogging. Why? Wherefore? Well, I cleaned up my yahoo mail box for a while. Why? Wherefore? It all started when I got up super charged this morning - it was probably the adrenalin from the deadline. Anyways, I got up and decided to get through all my pending emails, to-dos, etc in my personal domain. I got through all that and got to work in good time. At work, while I was nervously waiting the results of a couple of runs that took a while (and on which hung in balance my efforts), I cleaned up my work email. I must admit it though. I love to organize. The feeling that I get after cleaning up an inbox, or wiping out the white board after finishing some thing, or checking off all items in a to-do list is as close to complete peace as I will ever get. Anyways, having done all this cleaning I thought I'd follow up by cleaning my yahoo mail box which doesn't get too much of important mail - just a lot of stuff that I can filter through and clean up once in a while. Hence. Therefore. But this was still done a good 20 mins ago. What transpired after? What events came to pass?
In short, what happened? My closet door is what happened. I noticed this evening when I came home that there was an issue with one of the sliding doors. I think it came off its groove and consequently is wobbling all over the place. In fact, I was having trouble closing that door. Of course, this implied that I couldn't go to bed. Why? Wh .. ok I'll stop. Because I cannot sleep with the closet door open. I do not know why. I cannot explain it. But the closet is pretty close to my bed and I just cannot go to bed with the door open and all my clothes visible. So, there was no option. Being sensitive to my downstairs' neighbors, I only spent 10-15 mins jiggling it mildly and just trying to get it to move enough to close the door for tonight. Tomorrow, we shall do a more thorough job of it. And now the conditions are perfect. And so to bed.


I am in suspense over what happened next with the closet door. Please write an epilogue.

Also... what's the meaning of the title?

sincerely yours... or mine?
simply sincerely.
Kashmora said…
:-) I did fix it the next day. And life returned to normalcy. You don't know Zuzu's petals?? You need to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" right away.

Sincerely ours.

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