P had the right word for the weather. Menopausal. First, it was almost 60 degrees over the weekend. Such good weather that we spent a few happy hours at a nearby bay armed with just sweatshirts. And this evening, when I walk to my car, I find a good few inches of snow on my car. I have whined about this before - after 6 miles of running, you just do not want to indulge in some fun snow cleaning. The weather gods are daft. And then I had to work industriously at the sink to build the little mountain of clean dishes. I have two tiny containers with food that I cooked on Sunday but a whole boat load of dishes to clean from that effort. Some one has got to explain this to me. But no matter. I am still happy. They (with a capital T) moved the clock over the weekend and we have more hours of daylight. Wheeeeeeeee! And now, to make sure I don't sleep walk through the (seemingly) longer days, it is time to turn in.
And so to bed.
And so to bed.