
Back after a busy week or so and a fun, relaxing weekend in Cali. Tangent: Had switched on the TV as I picked up my laptop to blog and happened to watch Anoop Desai sing "Angel of Mine" on American Idol. Simon Fuller, after listening to the song, told this guy that he had (and I quote) "massive likeability". Massive Likeability. I like that. Next time I am asked to do a peer review for one of my co-workers, I think I'll put that in " X needs to work on his/her planning abilities but, on the other hand, has Massive Likeability". Back from Tangent: So came back after a nice break. It was just what the doctor ordered. A clean break from work and the usual routine. And loads of fun too. Got a chance to catch up with old and close friends after a while. Actually the last few weeks have been interesting like that. Old friends have been popping in and I got quite a chance to observe and learn more about them. I am intrigued by people and I think it's fascinating to see people, their relationships, how they change and how they don't and what makes them tick. Of course, thanks to my undiagnosed ADD, this observation business only happens in short intervals of time. Therefore, I'll never be a keen observer. In fact, I don't think I have been a keen anything in life, or done any activity keenly. I take that back. If making resolutions can be considered an activity, I am keen resolution-maker. I make like 3 resolutions a day. 50% of which I forget when I wake up the next day and the rest which don't seem that attractive to the old bean after a solid 8 hours of rest. Anyways, that brings us to my latest resolution. Have been lazing around and skipping workouts for a good while now and all this is making me lazy and dull. Need to get back on a routine.

Alright, if I want to make up for all those lost hours of sleep from my red eye flight, and go to work tomorrow not looking hung over like today, it is time I logged off. And so to bed.


I have a dirty little secret. I enjoy watching american idol and its sister So you think you can dance dance dance.... (fadig).
anyhow i saw that massive likeability thing as well but hadn't realized what a cool expression it was until you mentioned it. You my random person, have massive likeability. on the other hand, we never finish a conversation :-P
where was I? oh yes, i need to send you fotos.
I'll be ripe back.

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