
Accidentally ended up watching an hour of So You Think You can Dance this evening. It was an amazing episode. Such beauty, such grace, such power. It was poetry in motion. And after watching a couple of dances, I felt like clapping - not the polite claps that you have to pull out when you listen to a pretty-good speech, or at some wedding or reception or some other party but the unembarassed clapping when you have been awed into a semi-trance - be it by wit or elegance or wonder or persona.

Anyways, here we are. I read somewhere - and I am definitely paraphrasing here - that "It is better to be content with all the seasons rather than be foolishly in love with Spring". I am not convinced. Rather, I disagree. First of all, love, by definition, is foolish. It is not a logical series of steps that ends with Hence Proved. Love is foolish. Love is overwhelming. Love is unreasonable. We demand so much and extend ourselves so much from/for the object(s) of our love. And we need love. Life needs love. More than love, though, life needs insanity. It needs imbalance. So go, find your rush. Whatever it is, find it. And love it. And don't let anyone talk you out of it. Especially that diabolical twin of yours - your logical self. Sure, go out there and chase the Human Dream - success, wealth, contentment. Be good, be responsible, be smart, be successful, be ambitious, be deep, be compassionate. But also : be insane. We all have something - a sport, a hobby, a job, a movie, whatever it is. Running, hiking, seeing the world, teaching, growing a garden, creating new technology, patenting success, solving puzzles, writing a book, being a star. Whether it is painting the perfect wall or a breathtaking canvas - singing, laughing, friends, making lists, rock concerts, skylines, window views, restaurants or reviewing movies. Organic, retro, recycled, intense or laidback. Whatever it is. Take my word, life's too short. How crazy for life to not be just that - alive? And how crazy for it to not be about *you* and your insanity. Cause if you are lucky and you find it, then there'll be those occasional moments. Where it's not about anything else - not success, not skill, not ambition, not praise, not luck, not any standard that anyone can impose on you. It is about you - and the rush. Go do it, there's always time to overthink and reason later. Find your rush.


sumi said…
True love is calming, not overwhelming! Love is not by definition foolish but that doesn't mean it has to be logical! A rush feels great, but more important than that is to find a steady source of comfort!

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