
And I am back. Was off for various reasons but no matter.

It had been a while since I ran too, so I decided to lace up those shoes and go out on the usual circuit around 7:30 pm. But the circuit beat me. In fact, it trounced me. It was Germany and I was Argentina. Or Australia. I had to stop 6 times in 6 miles and finally, after 6 miles, I got KOed. Just like I do when I play Wii boxing with the machine. I had to alternately jog-walk the last 0.5 miles before I got home. How I was able to do this without too much trouble a couple of months ago is unfathomable.

As I was stumbling about my route, I wondered again : "why do I run?" and I finally figured it out. Many people say that running calms them down, that it gives them clarity as the mind quiets down. I don't think my mind quiets down. What actually happens, is that it is in focus. All the thoughts are very loud and clear and I am able to look at them with a certain detachment. I can ponder on them - how I feel about things, people, my troubles, my triumphs, relationships, etc - like an outsider while my entire sentient being is focused on two things. Two important things. Keeping those legs moving and keeping the process of respiration going. That is why.

Anyways, what the entire sorry exercise (pun unintended. Ok, sorta intended) proved was that I was out of shape. And I came to the conclusion that all this stems from the fact that I haven't been eating too healthy lately. Hmmm. Maybe that experiment of how long can one carry on eating an ice cream a day, among other things, is not a very good one. Damn! Why are all those fun ideas never as good as they are fun?

Oh well. Time for sleep and such.


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