
Showing posts from November, 2008


It has been brought to my notice that lately my blog has been a whole lot of grocery talk. So I figured I shouldn't comment on the 2/3 red cabbage ( 2/3 in size - not in color) still sitting in my fridge or the bitter cranberries that I picked up today (come on!). This is the life, what? Done with work early, no logging in from home, potatoing the heck out of the couch, a nice, long weekend coming up and no snow on the roads yet. Lot of thanks to give, indeed. Of course, I am sure I will mess up the weekend, or not make the most of it or something like that but that's the point - the weekend is my oyster. But I'm vegetarian. So the world is my ...... cauliflower! Hey, it's my blog - so quit complaining. You know how sometimes you look back at something you said or did and think "What was I thinking? Oh God! I don't even want to think about it !" . I do that like 10 times a day but yesterday I took a look at some of the stuff that I've written over the ...


Multiple things have occurred over the past few days. Angels and Demons has been read - at the cost of an entire night of sleep. First time in my life, I think - I went to bed at 6.30 am. Bolt! has been watched and it is AWESOME!( the way the hamster says it). And we have found yet another random word to bung in as the title. (The author shall heretofore use the royal we to refer to herself.) And we are now sitting here considering setting up an alarm to wake up at 4.00 am on Sunday morning (don't ask - long story). And instead of salvaging the few hours of sleep that we have, we insist on blogging. Our last name should be Masochist. OK - now, I really sound like Gollum. Bertie Wooster, while referring to Madeline Bassett in Right Ho, Jeeves said " I don't want to wrong anybody, so I won't go so far as to say that she actually wrote poetry, but her conversation, to my mind, was of the nature calculated to excite the liveliest suspicions". Now, I believe my convers...

Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase! )

What's the deal with red cabbage? I have always steered clear of vegetables that are not in their native( read Indian - pun unintended) colors but today was that kind of a day. I was driving back from work and suddenly decided that I should cook the cabbage and potato curry that my Mom makes. So, with said intentions, I arrived at the grocery store and found that the green cabbage looked rather healthy. I chose the smaller red cabbage instead, after a couple of minutes of thought. Later, as I washed the cut cabbage, I noticed, with semi horror-semi amusement, that all the water was colored a deep blue/violet shade. Drumsticks! It's like they dyed the poor cabbage and it was bleeding color now. I am not sure if I want to eat it anymore. I'll finish cooking the curry tomorrow morning and probably eat it ok but what am I supposed to do with the other 3/4 of the cabbage? Red cabbage juice - that's an idea. Something tells me that after this week, I won't be eating/drink...


It has been 6 days since a 47 year old Senator from Illinois told us that "Yes, we can!". Of course - I always believed in him. And I wasn't swayed by all the discussions and advertisements either. I took the decision based on two very important factors. A. He is currently based in Chi-Town - which is awesome! and B. He entered my radar with this very important and extremely impressive speech ( If you think these are flaky reasons to base such an important decision on, I say to you - squash! Did you watch that video carefully? Besides, anyone with such wonderful eye crinkles has to be an honest and trustworthy person. Anyways, I was so caught up in all this optimism and enthusiasm that I decided that I needed to do something abt my own situation. I've had this feeling for a while now that I've become pretty lazy. I mean, other than working, I do very little these days. So I decided that I will turn my life around and be ...