
This is the prologue. Tomorrow morning, when the cat feeder goes off, my mind will vaguely register that it is just getting to 7 o clock. And that's about it. There will be no attempt to open my eyes, no racking of the brains to remember if I have a 9 AM meeting that I need to prepare for, no pondering on what this week will look like work-wise. Sounds good. Yes, tomorrow will be the official first day of our 8 week sabbatical leave.

A suggested that I maintain a log of my time off and write about what I did (or rather, did not do) over the course of these weeks. He said it'll be something to look back and read once I'm back to the daily drudgery. He's a precious sun beam, isn't he? Well, I need very little persuasion to write so I decided to take the opportunity anyways. I'll have to figure out how I handle the whole travel piece but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Folks are often surprised when they find out how domesticated I am - I am not sure why. It is true, though. As much as I like to travel and be outdoors, my first love is to potter about the house. And one of the things that gives me a decent amount of satisfaction whilst I potter is organizing things. And so, on late Saturday morning, I embraced my domestic side and walked into The Container Store. I had recently re-discovered this store while googling strategies to better organize our medicine shelf (yes, I do things like that) and had been obsessing about it for a week or more. I have only vague memories of the next couple of hours. I remember walking these beautiful aisles with all kinds of home organizing thingummies and holding back tears of awe & joy as I leafed through the catalog that they gave me as soon as I walked in. Anyways, after signing away most of my savings, I rushed home armed to the teeth with organizing paraphernalia.  Of course, on coming home, C carefully broke the news that our house isn't exactly like the one in the catalog. Hmm. We ended up going back to the store this morning to return these unlucky ones (or was this my evil plan all along ...) and buy a couple more things we needed to finish Operation Coat Closet that I'd started yesterday. Overall, I must say it was quite the success. We now have a coat closet that is the pride of the neighborhood ( it would be, if we opened it up for public viewing),  a medicine shelf that is a thing of beauty, etc. The photos don't really do justice to it but you can see it for yourself :

Yes, you figured it out. The only way I could feel better about us owning that obscene number of shoes  was to spend more money on it to find the perfect organizing system for them.

Well, that was most of  what happened this weekend. Sprinkle in some TV watching, some jigsaw-and-other-games-playing-on-the-iPad, a fair amount of Facebook stalking, some prep for the upcoming trip, a few teas, some crossword-and-sudoku doing & some blog reading and it is complete.

 And so, organized-ly, to bed.


Gelareh said…
that is beaauteefuul. I want one.

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