
And I am back.

Bay State Marathon : check
I might have frozen the bajeezers off my crooked hobbity fingers but I made it to the finish line. The weather brought it on - cold temps, high winds, rain, freezing rain, etc but Goofy did it again. He pulled through and saved the day. Goofy is my guardian angel, FYI.

And a big shout out to all my fantabulawesome friends for showing up and cheering for me and occasionally running with me in such horrid weather. You are fantabulawesome.

All in all, it's been a good day today. Great weather, beautiful colors. I packed off at work pretty soon and got home, all inspired to paint. Begin Tangent : I realize that most of my interests/activities in my adult life revolve around some stuff that I felt cheated out of as a kid or had the most fun with as a kid. Running for example is my way of clinging on to play time. I was serious about play time as a kid. School was out at 3 and I'd barely manage to get home and change and have a snack and I'd shoot out of the homestead all ready to play. And out I'd be until dear A came looking for me as night fell. I somehow needed to reminded afresh everyday that there was a home I was supposed to be within when it got dark outside. Most of my other physical/aerobic activities are also probably a plaintive cry from my soul for a lost playtime. And then the craft work. All this painting business is not because of any talent. There was never any such promise. I'm just avenging all those days when I was not allowed around scissors and paints 'cause of the mess that it would invariably result in. So I spent an hour and more today busy mixing oil colors and painting away (take that, mummy! And I now have access to turpentine and linseed oil too, so hah! But there is a hole in this theory. As a kid, I was never allowed into the kitchen and was never involved in the process of cooking. I'd like to remain just as aloof now, somehow. No interest there. Hmm. So much for my hypothesis. Hmmph. End Tangent. So, inspired I was and painted for a good while and was decently happy with the outcome. And the rest of the evening seemed to have pleasantly evaporated like those incense sticks I light once in a while and it's 11.43 now.

And so to bed.


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