Accidentally ended up watching an hour of So You Think You can Dance this evening. It was an amazing episode. Such beauty, such grace, such power. It was poetry in motion. And after watching a couple of dances, I felt like clapping - not the polite claps that you have to pull out when you listen to a pretty-good speech, or at some wedding or reception or some other party but the unembarassed clapping when you have been awed into a semi-trance - be it by wit or elegance or wonder or persona.
Anyways, here we are. I read somewhere - and I am definitely paraphrasing here - that "It is better to be content with all the seasons rather than be foolishly in love with Spring". I am not convinced. Rather, I disagree. First of all, love, by definition, is foolish. It is not a logical series of steps that ends with Hence Proved. Love is foolish. Love is overwhelming. Love is unreasonable. We demand so much and extend ourselves so much from/for the object(s) of our love. And we need l...