
Showing posts from July, 2012


The girl is giddy. Or rather, the girl was giddy and now, like a balloon on its third day, she is making her way down. Still up and happy, mind you but calming down by the minute. Why, you wonder? Let's see : a reasonably productive day at work, an eye-opening discussion with T leading to an epiphany (more on that later), a six mile walk+jog that took less time than expected (1 hr 12 mins - no I wasn't very fast, I just set low expectations :-) ) , the resultant endorphins,  the arrays of fresh fruit at the grocery store ( made me want to run up and down yelling "this is why summer is AWESOME!") , the wonderful sandwich that entered my life shortly there after, and finally the 700% daily serving of Vitamin A sloshing around my insides. Seriously, how potent is that Bolthouse Farms Carrot Juice? I now have images of doing shots of this juice  in my head now. The images are in my head, I mean - not the shots.  And a nice phone call to home to round it off. All in all, ...