
Showing posts from January, 2011


And so a new year is here. Another revolution, another year. A brand new, freshly minted, set of days. I am not usually big on grand celebrations on the occasion of a new year but I see the point. The ado. Say what you want about the future but there is no arguing about the fact that it is not fully predictable. It is unknown. Sure, you might find at the end of the year 2011 that nothing much has changed in the last dozen months but you don't know that now. Things may be different or not. The un-absoluteness. Hence the excitement. Yes, yes - Hope & Celebrations. Good stuff. As is custom (and when I say custom, I mean I have done this once in the past), I have decided to do retrospective of the year now past. It was a good year. By all counts, it was. I am deeply grateful for all of it. So this should be fun. Let's see : Ianuarius, Februarius, Martius : A hectic bunch of months. Looking for an apartment in the city, the relief of finding one that I like, The Big Move ( I act...