Some thoughts in my head over the past few days. Pure joy : sitting in the middle of a thoroughly and freshly cleaned house that has in-home laundry. Even if it, the laundry system, is not being used currently. Why then, is it required, you ask. Because. Just by being, in home laundry is the best comfort out there. 70s hindi songs make for very good company while pottering about the home, cleaning. We are slaves to our jobs. We fret about them, work hard on them, plan our holidays, our travel, our lives around them. Why? Because we are slaves to our careers and earning money. Career and money seem so abstract when you start thinking about life and everyday and the big picture. Until you want to buy that blu-ray player. Then, money makes a whole lot of sense. Shopping for others (others that you care about) is fun. I discovered this over the last 2 days as I ran around stores picking gifts for Ye Olde Family in preparation for my trip. I must say I am pleased with ze purchases. Of cour...