
Showing posts from January, 2016


It's that time - a new year: new beginnings, resolutions, changes, renewed hope and all that good stuff. And I'm in a mood for a fresh start as well. But for the phoenix to rise, there must be ashes and dust. Burn, baby, burn. Then again, all things - good, bad & mediocre must come to an end. Or to a pause, at least.  So it's time for a little sabbatical (let's call it that for now) for this blog. I won't flatter myself that I will be missed. After all, I've posted less than 200 posts in the past 8 years. That is less than 2 posts a month. But still, to all of you who stumbled upon this place by accident or loyally checked in after every post & left comments or were somewhere in between, I sincerely thank you. Even though my intent was not to build a following, words, in the end, are meant to be read. Thoughts that are voiced are meant to be heard. But now, my friends, it's time for some sound silence. I wish you all - merry adventures and peace...