** Wrote this up while traveling during the day yesterday and only got a chance to post it this morning. From sunny Mississippi!! Occasionally life gives us that one beautiful day. A very pleasant day when everything seems just about right. Like yesterday for instance. It started like any other day with me realizing when the alarm rang that 6 hours of sleep is really not enough and ignoring it - the alarm - to nap for another hour. I worked for a little and then decided to do a short run on the apartment gym's treadmill. I am not very fond of this gym but I figured this would be the most convenient time and setting. Anyways, off I went. After spending 10 mins trying to figure out where the remote for the TV was and running half a mile, I realized the following (yes, it was a great day for realizations) : - I really did not like this gym. - It's annoying to try to watch TV while running especially when the treadmill puts a steam engine to shame with its noise. - My shins hurt...